ShulCloud À La Carte
Let Real Time Strategy Do It For You
Custom Form - Simple
Sometimes it's just easier to have the form done for you. Simple forms include limited form logic and transaction detail and automatic tagging, ie: Event registration.
Custom Form - Elaborate
Elaborate forms include multiple form logic elements and complicated financial transactions. This is our sweet spot with fast turn around and a clean look and feel.
ShulCloud Training Sessions
Sessions available include: ShulCloud 101, Accounts & People, CRM, Events & Calendar, Life Cycles, Email Builder, Reports, School Module, Transactions & Billing
ShulCloud Report
Tell us what you need and when you need it and we will turn it around in no time. You will have clean data and a saved the report in ShulCloud for you to use again.
Spreadsheet Magic
Don't have time to create the perfect spreadsheet for your data analysis or presentation? We can format whatever you've got for ease of use and maximum wow factor.
Hourly Support
Call, email, or Zoom! We are your one stop shop for tech support, troubleshooting, reports, transactions, forms, website and more! Charged by the minute.